

bin·go \'bi[ng]-(")gO\ m (1991): born in a crossfire hurricane, married to whirl, first against the wall when the revolution comes. "I didn't say anything!" du·gie \'dü-gE\ m (1991): Butter shug supreme; Rage Boy™ on the road. "Riiiiiiiiiight."

flea \'flE\ m (1997): Left-side monkey boy for the Power[les]s That Be. Journeyman Bastard Operator from Hell. Has bad luck with haircuts. "It'll never work."

friz·zy \'fri-zE\ f (1995): Den Mother, Jersey girl par excellence, travel agent to the magical land of Narnia, pet to Sparky and Sparky, Jr. "No no no! What I said was!"

jim·bo \'jim-(")bO\ m (1995): The straw that stirs the drink, skilled diplomatist. "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here."

kar·ma \'kär-m&\ f (1993): Bono's 'Party Girl', nouveau adventurer, warrior princess, wielder of the Big Bad Voodoo Shoe. "No, I don't like Culture Club."

mooch \'müch\ m (1994): studied under Skya, acknowledged the best warrior in Uliad, may only be killed with his own spear. "Are you going to eat that?"

poo·bie \'pü-(")bE\ m (1993): southerner, stranger in a strange land, last of the famous international playboys. "It's all good."

rich·nut \'rich-(")n&t\ m (1992): gentleman, scholar, wise in ways both worldly and arcane. Tutor and student to sabz. "Wow, I didn't know you could do that."

ri·o \'rE-(")O\ m (1989): decidedly not aspiring to PHB status despite all signs to the contrary, has bad luck with movie theaters. "Not again!"

sabz \'sabz\ f (1992): wielder of the great magicks, sorceress of fantastic powers, owns her own cauldron, has bad luck with automobiles. "Artificial intelligence stands no chance against natural stupidity."

smokes \'smOks\ m (1993): with stingo, dancing queen, too 31337 to slack. "No, no. Listen to this ..."

stin·go \'sti[ng]-(")gO\ m (1993): with smokes, famous clairvoyante, known as the wisest man in Europe, with a wicked pack of cards. "No no no. No `Merry Christmas' for you!"

tem·per \'tem-p&r\ m (1996): cheesehead turned New Yorker, knower of Things Man Was Not Meant to Know. "Contrary to popular opinion, temper ..."

whirl \'hw&r(-&)l\ f (1991): married to bingo, old-dead-bird-ologist, weirdness magnet, assistant to "Wild Bill" Donovan, Division 19. "The whirl approves of you. You may come again!"